DCF Membership

Each Daystar student upon joining the university automatically becomes a DCF member. Staff members are part of the fellowship by association.

Membership declaration of assent

All DCF members shall be required to ascribe to the doctrinal basis and consciously sign the following declaration upon joining a serve team of their choice:

In joining.............................., I declare my faith in Jesus Christ as my personal savior, my Lord and my God and it’s my desire by the grace of God to live a life in consistence with this declaration. I am also determined to give active support to the fellowship as it seeks to fulfill its aims.”

Full Membership

Full membership of DCF shall be open to all registered students.

Associate Membership

Associate membership of DCF shall be open to:

  • Daystar University alumni.
  • Staff of Daystar University

Rights and Responsibilities of Members

It is the sole responsibility of every DCF member to abide by the code of conduct and his or her contribution should be in line with the vision and mission of DCF. The members shall have the full rights and responsibilities to:

  • Vote and be voted into office as provided in article 7.
  • The right and responsibility to contribute to the activities of DCF.
  • The right to the freedom of opinion, expression and view in accordance with the orthodox Biblical ethics.

Join DCF Family

We invite you to join us at Daystar Christian Fellowship(DCF) .

Join Us Now!

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him

By John Piper